Baby Dragon
Baby Dragon Image..
Baby Wind Dragon..
Baby Poison Dragon..
Baby Fire Dragon..
Baby Wood Dragon..
Baby Iron Dragon..
Baby Earth Dragon..
Baby Dragon
Baby dragon born from eggs that have been du buahi by the parent dragon, baby dragon very cute, funny, and adorable .. however, although they are still infants, they can already remove the element corresponding to each element of the dragon form .. like a fire dragon, although still in its infancy, but already can shoot fire, although fire was very small and few, it is because they have not mastered very well about the strengths that exist in their own self ..
Shape of each element of the dragon is different. anyone has a shape like bat wings, there is also such as avian dinosaurs like Archaeopteryx, which have wings that are identical to Archaeopteryx itself, there is also a shape similar to the Komodo dragon, and so forth ..
umm were these pictures supposed to be real
are these dragon's real? were can I get own for sell?
you can get one at this website :
there are currently four types of baby dragon available.
Where to buy
Hm is one
Where to buy
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