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Element Dragon
Element Dragon

All Element Dragons..

Element Dragons Picture..

Element Dragon on Pokemon..

Red And Blue Element Dragon..

Combine All Element..
Element Dragon
There are various kinds of character and form of the dragon .. in this case can be categorized into several elements that exist on the dragon .. rather, there are five elements namely earth element, fire element, water element, air element, and elements of wood ..
They have a habit, habitat, and their own way .. for example the fire dragon, which has illustrated the embers that exist throughout the body, perhaps this is to protect itself from threats .. while the dragon land, shaped stones, which could resemble the mountain and the land, so they can hide themselves easily .. As for the water dragon, which has scales like a snake scales or fish scales, eyes and mouth also adapt to the environment where he settled down .. as well as dragon stone or earth dragon, dragon wood can conceal himself in the forest which has the form of antlers like branches of trees in the forest .. dragon winds rarely seen, sometimes it has a rich dragon wings that can fly itself and can move more quickly ..
Bottom line: the color of their bodies and on average had to adapt to the environment where he lives ..
Dragon Eye
Blue or Water Dragon Eye..
Red or Fire Dragon Eye..
Yellow or Lightening Dragon Eye..
White or Ice Dragon Eye..
Green or Forest Dragon Eye..
Orange or Magma Dragon Eye..
Dragon Eye
dragon eye can be described or illustrated as the eyes of a cat, snake, alligator, or lizard .. These eyes are very charming and graceful to be made in illustration or can be made in the form of a dragon in the complement of illustrations .. images of the eye itself vary, there are some white lines and in the middle there is a black line which is rather large in the middle .. or can also be illustrated with the color yellow, those around him and the black dots in the middle ..
eyes of the dragon is very unique in look, this is what makes the dragon in by many people enjoy doing .. because it looks cool, sharp, and decisive, drawing the eye should also indicate that the dragon was cool, firm, etc. ..
Baby Dragon
Baby Dragon Image..
Baby Wind Dragon..
Baby Poison Dragon..
Baby Fire Dragon..
Baby Wood Dragon..
Baby Iron Dragon..
Baby Earth Dragon..
Baby Dragon
Baby dragon born from eggs that have been du buahi by the parent dragon, baby dragon very cute, funny, and adorable .. however, although they are still infants, they can already remove the element corresponding to each element of the dragon form .. like a fire dragon, although still in its infancy, but already can shoot fire, although fire was very small and few, it is because they have not mastered very well about the strengths that exist in their own self ..
Shape of each element of the dragon is different. anyone has a shape like bat wings, there is also such as avian dinosaurs like Archaeopteryx, which have wings that are identical to Archaeopteryx itself, there is also a shape similar to the Komodo dragon, and so forth ..
Dragon Egg
Unhatched dragon fire..
Fire dragon who had hatched..
Metal dragon that will soon hatch..
Some eggs of the dragon..
Dragon Egg
Egg is one of the early formation of living creatures will live and develop into adults .. As for the dragon egg is an egg in it which are hormones that can be raised up or turn the dragon that in it .. very special dragon eggs, especially in the myth or legend says that if there is a dragon who ate the eggs can stay young, and so on .. in the picture above there are various kinds of toys or illustrations made by authors who are very different, both types, shapes, sizes, and colors of dragon eggs ..
Size of the dragon eggs are different, according to the illustrations made by the author .. there who have only the size of the hand grip, and there is also a soccer ball for .. color and type of dragon eggs also different, some have red, green, white, blue, and black .. It may be adjusted with the elements of the dragon that is in it ..
Earth Dragon
Earth Dragon
Dragon on the ground or can be called Hugo with the earth dragon, dragon illustration is derived from the people who use a lizard or snake as the main object, because the dragon is the incarnation of a snake or lizard itself, from some of the illustrations created by artist can be viewed most of them use a snake or lizard as its object, be it of your posture, scales, mouth, tongue, nails, tail, eyes, even the head of the dragon itself ..
Earth Dragon forms vary according to one's imagination, but the residence of the dragon itself remains fakos and most authors agree to put the dragon land in hidden places (in the earth) both in the mountains, caves, or places -where else ..
Because of their large size, Earth dragon should be able to adapt to its environment, ie in the mountains, by way of wrapping its tail tightly held in addition to the mountain and the mountain, like the one with the environment ..
Wind Dragon
Wind Dragon
The dragon is something that can be said real and can also say as a myth .. the myth says, because of this huge creature size not found everywhere, no matter its form varies from one another dragon to dragon, because it is an illustration made by art experts .. in a real say is not wrong too, because the word dragon comes from a language that has meaning lizard or a snake .. The second type of animal that must exist everywhere in the entire country .. in the lizard said, because his body which have scales and a very sharp fangs like lizards generally, and the snake said, because her body shape is very similar to the snake, either the tail or the nature of the dragon itself .. as well as the most coconut dragon-like lizards or snakes in general ..
Some people's life illustrates the wind dragon, dragon winds sometimes appear above the clouds where no one know where he lives, some are saying that the wind dragons live in forests or islands, to set the weather is indeed the wanted .. wind dragon wings usually illustrated with a very wide, so it can fly high in the sky though, there are also depicting the dragon wind that has no wings at all, but the way he runs he can adjust the wind around him to encourage him to fly ,as well as existing in the film Anima Dragon Ball, and others ..